Sustainable management

Innovation system

Our objectives

Our objectives consist in providing full satisfaction and deep impression for our customers by
accomplishing the world-class operation performance in all areas of safety, quality, cost, environment and people.

  • Safety
  • Quality
  • Delivery
  • Cost
  • Environment
  • People
HPS stands for HANYANG Production System, referring to innovation system of HANYANG PRECISION aiming to establish lobal QDC competitiveness through steady improvement activities by organizational revitalization, process stabilization and set-up of pillars of BIQ and JIT based on HANYANG Way, our values and culture.
We set 5 principles on the basis of HANYANG Way so as to achieve our goals.
  • The first principle is teamwork.

    We believe that we must create a healthy organization to have the best performance.
    Along with process stability, teamwork helps create the base for improving quality, delivery, and cost.

  • The second principle is stability in process.

    Process stabilization means reduction of changes in process and improvement of performance.

  • The third principle is BIQ (Built in Quality).

    BIQ is to take root of quality spirit of “Let’s create it perfectly from the beginning” within our culture and system.

  • The fourth principle is JIT (Just-in-time) production.

    JIT production means manufactures only required quantity in the necessary moment.

  • The fifth principle is steady improvement.

    Steady improvement requires continuous, long-term and systematic practice.
    Standardization is the basic requirement for improvement, and it is essential to draw improvement ideas and put them into practice.

RBPS stands for Responsible Boundary Production System and serves as the cornerstone of HANYANG Way based on innovation philosophy.
It implies that cleaning environmentally around you will lead clean mind, and it results in finally the best-quality products we are
making based on environment quality.